David Kinnear Home

David Kinnear Home2019-11-05T07:50:07+00:00

Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region

Global climate change is already taking visible tolls on our environment. From melting ice caps to superstorms, its severe implications for our environment are changing our everyday world. Every region will be affected by the crisis differently. In the Great Lakes region, climate change will [...]

7 Scientists Who Are Transforming The Way We Treat Cancer

Women scientists have transformed biomedical research with their discoveries and we need their leadership to bring life sciences into the future. Most people are well aware of the fact that women in science are underrepresented at most research institutes. Scrutinize the percentage of academic department [...]

The Cancer of The Great Lakes

In honor of Great Lakes Week, I’ve chosen to highlight environmental and conservation issues affecting the Great Lakes Coastal Region in this blog post. Collectively, the five Great Lakes--Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, and Lake Ontario--provide drinking water to more than 35 [...]

A Spotlight on Urban Pollinators

Shortly before the holiday season, the Pratt Manhattan Gallery launched “Nectar: War Upon the Bees,” a visual exhibit which explores the destructive impact that our food production industry has on these important insects. The show examines the disruptive effect of current food industry practices which [...]

David Kinnear is a financial professional in Chicago.

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