David Kinnear Home

David Kinnear Home2019-11-05T07:50:07+00:00

David Kinnear: Dual-Language Programs: A Growing Trend in the U.S.

Bilingual education is on the rise in the U.S. and the number of schools offering dual-language programs continues to grow. According to a report released by the U.S. Department of Education, 39 U.S. states offered some type of dual-language education during the 2012-13 school year, with [...]

David Kinnear: For Bees, The Struggle Is Real

On October 3rd, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bee will be put on the endangered species list. Researchers hope the bees' endangered status will raise awareness and urgency surrounding their threatened existence. That bees now have federal [...]

David Kinnear: Economic Solutions: Investing in Cancer Research

It is not uncommon for pharmaceutical companies to see cutting-edge research as a high-risk venture. For this reason, more pharmaceutical companies are choosing to allocate fewer resources to the development of novel drug therapies to fight cancer. Innovative medical research takes time; scientists often spend [...]

David Kinnear is a financial professional in Chicago.

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